Photo Friday: Diwali

This week, we celebrated Diwali, an Indian festival that marks the triumph of good over evil and the beginning of a new year.

Last week, we watched students decorate the courtyard in front of the library with rangoli designs--patterns drawn from chalk and filled with different colored sand. A few other traditions include lighting candles in the house and wearing colorful new clothing.

Yesterday, we celebrated at Yale SOM with a fashion show and choreographed dance routine--that's me on the left!

I'm still learning about the traditions and their meanings, but if you would like to learn a little about the holiday, I recommend this article and this video, both from National Geographic. They seem to cover the basics pretty well.

Happy Friday and Happy Diwali!

(PS: I cheated a little bit this week--the first few photos are actually from our wedding, but they were far more beautiful than any I was able to take this week.)